Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Week 8 Reading and Writing

In reflection of the past 7 weeks in this course, I think I have made progress. The reading assignments got a lot easier once I realized I didn't have to take notes on every single story, and my bullet point format works outstandingly when it comes to the storytelling assignments. I really enjoy the writing assignments, because it is a creative outlet that I don't really get in most of my focused upper-division classes.

I am happy with my blog, and have in fact shown it to a couple people. The coloration and format suit me, personally, very well, and I think all my writings look neat and organized. My project website could still use a little tweaking, but that is a much newer endeavor and there is still plenty of time to make edits as I realize I need them.

I've only written the introduction to my project so far, but I really like the way it turned out and am pretty confident I can write up the other stories in the same way. My story posts are pretty satisfying as well, and I have enjoyed experimenting with different styles of storytelling.

My reading notes so far have been dead on for writing the stories, as I've figured out just how much detail to include to stay true to the story line, without cramping my own ideas or being stuck in the original story.

Rama and Sita's Wedding (Creative Commons)
This image of Rama and Sita has been my favorite so far. I love the bright colors and the dimension in it, and it properly portrays the love in their eyes...or so I think. 

Looking forward, I need to stay more on top of the assignments for class. Ideally, I should work ahead and do the assignments before they are due; in reality, I tend to run out of time for that. The grace period has been pulling me through but I know I've missed a few assignments, for which I should also get on the Extra Credit to make up. Writing-wise, I want to continue exploring different styles and broaden my writing horizons, to get out of the rut of my normal style of writing. 

And that is all! I look forward to making more progress and learning more things in this class throughout my last semester of college.

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