Tuesday, January 14, 2020

My Favorite Place

My current location of choice is Seville, Spain - where I happen to be right now. For my required Study Abroad Experience I ended up here to enjoy the culture, food, and most importantly practice the language, along with cramming in a two-week course over the three religious groups in ancient Spain (Christians, Jews, and Muslims.) The class walks the city every day, yet we still manage to find more major landmarks and structures to see, climb, or eat on. This is a picture I took of the sun setting over the city of Seville, viewed from the top of a major architectural structure called Las Cetas (The Mushrooms.) The high vantage point allowed for an excellent view, and the setting sun created some pleasant mood lighting.
(Image information: personal photo of a sunset from the top of Las Cetas: 
Photo from January 12, 2020)

1 comment:

  1. It is so cool to think of you THERE, Alana-in-Spain, right now. The power of online learning... to cross oceans! India is also a place of many religions (and of religious tension also)... the epics are important for Hinduism and Jainism, but we start off the class with Buddhist Jataka readings to begin because Buddhism's origins in India go back to around the same time when the epics were taking shape. Meanwhile, keep on enjoying Spain, and safe travels when you are ready to head back to Oklahoma!
